Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Friday, August 19, 2005

Do you train weapon disarms?

On of the most controversial issues in martial arts is the subject of weapon disarms. Many traditional stylists will tell you that it is feasible and possible. Many modern experts will tell you that disarming someone with a knife or gun is unlikely at best. So who do we believe?

Well, as the survivor of a knife incident, I can tell you that a disarm is possible. It takes a lot of thinking on your feet, being able to quickly move said feet, and a strong will not to be a stab victim. Accept that you are likely going to be cut. What I did was present my arm as a target, as slicing is a lot less injurious than stabbing. But enough about me.

I can tell you that the best way to handle someone with a weapon is to have one of your own. Brilliant deduction right? Well remember that anything can be a weapon" knives, umbrellas, table legs, books, canes, and the list goes on. I believe that martial arts training should have curriculum that deals with the use of weapons on a conceptual basis. For example, if you can use an Escrima stick, you can use an umbrella. Ta-Da! Genius huh? Well not really.

Modern day folks will tell you that weapons disarms are not going to work if you dont have a weapon of your own. So in a lot of modern curriculums, they don't even address the issue. I think that is a BIG mistake. Granted, disarming techniques are NOT going to go as smoothly as they do in class. But if you don't even practice them, you won't even know what you should be trying to accomplish. Do you attempt a disarm? When? How?Where? I think that you should at least ATTEMPT to learn the basics of knife disarms, or at least evasive movement that will facilitate an escape.

For the folks that are practicing disarms, good for you. For the people that don't let me tell you this: Disarming techniques are dangerous at best. If you think that practicing disarms is not a good idea and will get you hurt, consider the alternative. And FYI, I dont think that anyone on this planet is fast enough to stab me while I am running. I would rather be able to run like Carl Lewis than knife fight like a Navy Seal. Peace out folks.


Blogger DethStryque said...

This brief,concise commentary is one of the BEST pieces I have ever read on weapons disarms.I too strongly believe that one should practice these disarms for precisely the reasons you stated,and you know how many tussles I have had the misfortune of being in... including the ones guys who are armed, scrappin with multiple assailants,armed multiple assailants,armed multiple assailants with horrible stank breath,the whole nine yards.

You need to write an article for Black Belt,son.

12:25 PM  

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