Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

From where do you get your strength?

I believe that I have touched on this topic briefly before. Martial arts is a mental discipline as much as a physical one. Probably even more. Personally, I am dealing with a number of trying issues, so within my control, and some beyond. I have NO idea how I am going to solve 6 seperate issues in my life. But giving up has never occurred to me. I am not wired that way. And I credit my martial arts training.

Now folks, I dont want to sound like I am some kind of wonderkid, or that I possess something that you dont. Likely, you have the answer somewhere already in your mental rolodex. Sometimes, the problems in our lives involve knowing where to look more than knowing what to do. Look inside of yourselves folks. Your faith, your deepest beliefs, and your martial arts training will get you through.


Blogger James said...

i am fond of the expression trials "reveal character" rather than "build" it. you hit the nail on the head- our martial training can help us focus and tackle any kind of problem we may encounter- and it is that which is most dear to us that drives the mechanism of our victory.

12:45 AM  

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