Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The need for mobility

Folks I am going to pipe in on one of my favorite things. That thing is the expression of "stick and move." For the uninitiated, that means to never stand in the same spot after you strike. If you want to see stick and move in action, please check out any film on Muhammed Ali, Pernell Whitacker, or Sugar Ray Leonard. Not having said that, I would like to dive into my rant now.

Martial artists as a whole, and yes I am generalizing, have terrible footwork. Now I can hear the peanut gallery chiming in now. " We ground ourselves for power. We throw with a knockout intention every time." Blah, blah blah. Boxers stick and move a lot, and last I remember, there are a lot of knockouts in boxing.

Now for my flat-footed brethren out there, I am here to help and not hurt. I just think that it is unrealistic to stand there and bang punches like a real opponent is just going to stand in front of you all day. I think that one of the biggest flaws in many martial artist's training, is that they do not practice moving while delivering their techniques, or practice with a moving opponent. Just like boards dont hit back, opponents dont hold still.

But I will get off my high horse. Not because I have articulated my point so well. I am just hungry and want breakfast. Remember folks, love your family, train hard, and overtip a good waitress every now and then.


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