
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

The (D) evolution of the martial arts?


I may not be able to tackle all of this in one sitting, but here is start. Where is the evolution of the martial arts these days? Many will say that the MMA revolution popularized by the Gracie family is proof of the evolution of martial arts today. To an extent I agree, but is that revolutionary spirit still fueling the minds of martial artists today?Is it pushing them toward the next big change that will occur? I dont see it happening.

See, MMA was supposed to be an end all be all expression for truth in martial arts. But is there really such a thing? I am not so sure. I recently spoke with a very high ranking official in a stick-fighting system. I mean like high as in, a master instructor under Ernesto Presas Jr. For those who dont know, Ernesto is the son of the late genius Escrimador Remy Presas. Anyhow, we were discussing how even within the systems most noted for their improvisation, there seems to be a "settling of the dust if you will." In the beginning of the system, there was VERY little in terms of drillilng. There were some very fundamental concepts, and a whole lot of sparring. That made for the discovery of practicality and improvisation. The truth if you will.

Now, as with most things the varnish has worn off, and things seem not to be as they once were. Some instructors think that they have discovered a proven "method" of teaching certain functional skills more quickly. Then those ways became gospel and of course one can never change the gospel. But where does it lead? And where does it end? Be back later folks, I have some stir fry just screaming my name. Ja mata!!