
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why we should learn to block


I know that the traditionalists are going to wig out, but bare with me. I know that they could list a whole host of why they need to learn them. But for the folks for whom the answers may not come so quickly, I am here to help you out.

I am not going to go into how the blocking system should be a part of every traditional martial art. I am not even going to go into how there are attacks evey day that involve weapons, whether they be sharp or blunt.

I am however, going to get my rant on (again)about a little creativity goes a long way in the self defense business. Now, the beauty of internet is that I can tell you where you can SEE the things that I am talking about. Just the thought makes me shiver in my under-roos!! Well, I dont really wear under-roos. Dont get it twisted, it is NOT because I would be ashamed. They just don't make them in adult sizes. ( Hey underwear people, make it happen.)

Anyhow, the beauty of a block is that it can be used in oh so many ways. For you boxing fans, check out on youtube the Floyd Mayweather jr. versus Ricky Hatton fight. To make distance to land short but jarring body shots, Floyd was using an extended outward block to stop Ricky's momentum so that he could land the shot. I am not making this up. You can check it out by yourself.

If you are of relatively short stature and you find yourself in a confronation with a large individual, you should thank God that you learned the upward block. As that person advances on you, or as you advance on that person, throw a powerful upward block into their throat and chin area. Not only is the look on their face priceless, but it will drive their head back in such a way as to make their forward momentum stop immediately.

Downward block? No problem!! If you are a woman, and someone grabs at your purse, downward block their arm away. Believe me when I tell you, that downard blocks are a lot more practical against a grab than trying to wrestle around with a person who is most likely much stronger than you are. Dont get mad at me, just do the math.

Lastly, the inward block. This is a controversial one, but I am ALL about controversy. Let's say that you were sitting in your car in a parking lot or something. While you are singing loud and off key along with "Its Raining Men" you feel someone walk up to your door. You figure that they are going to comment on the off-key warbling that you were just displaying, and so you smile and turn to them. Now, instead of a slightly annoyed person, you find your self making eyes with the business end of a pistol.

"Get out of the car NOW" this lowlife is snarling in a loud voice. For the sake of illustration, you can add in some expletives if you like. Now 9 times out of 10 I say, give up your car and realize that insurance is a wonderful thing. But this time, your child, who can obviously sleep through anything ( your singing, not the gun slinging thug) is napping blissfully in the backseat. Given that fact, you inward block the person's hand toward the windshield, lean back and mash the gas.

It may or may not wake your child, but it will allow you to keep your face out of the line of fire. Thankfully, most car-jackers dont shoot at cars they are trying to steal, and so you escape after having flirted with the grim reaper. Voila! Inward blocks are cool like that.

Dont be afraid to think of as many uses for the 8 point blocking system as you can, you might even suprise yourself..... P.S. If you are a guy reading this, change" Its Raining Men" to Bad to the Bone. I mean you do have your pride right? :)