Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Friday, July 09, 2010

Just to see if I still have it


I am writing to talk about something personal. Not anything like" how much money I make" or "how my relationships are going." Nothing like that. I am talking about a personal test of my fortitude. Now, since my age is undisclosed, this may not seem like such a big deal to some of you. But after a lifetime of bumps, bruises, lacerations, fractures, breaks and a concussion or two, this is a little more difficult.

In essence, I am going to get myself into TRUE fighting shape once again. With a whole host of injuries and an entirely different lifestyle, I am all the way up to 220 #. Now, at 6 feet tall, and at my age, that is not that big of a deal to most people. But I am NOT most people. I used to tell my students daily that one should NEVER judge themselves by what the masses do. NEVER! In my previous fighting weight incarnation I was 195# with 8 percent body fat. Not too shabby. But I can do more, and I will.

So what does that mean exactly? It means that one more time. I am going to get into, and stay in, shape. One cannot maintaing optimum fitness all of the time. But they can stay in a good 75% of their fighting shape year round. Dont think so? Ask Floyd Mayweather jr. Or ask Marvin Hagler, They did it, so can I. It means that I am going back to two a day trainings 5 days a week. It means no pizza, burgers, white pasta, doughnuts or anything like that. I means that I am lifting weights, hitting the heavy bag, wrestling, doing kata and streching, every day.

I am serious about this folks. 195# is my goal. I WILL do it. Even with the broken wrists, ankles, fingers, shoulder and ribs that will make my job much more difficult, I WILL do it. My word is my bond. I will do it in 40 days. I will bet you. Mark it on your calendar. I will be writing victoriously soon. If I can do can you. God bless!


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