
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Sunday, January 08, 2012

" That technique doesnt work"


I remember when MMA was just catching on with the mainstream. Classes teaching "NHB" techniques were popping up all over. Their "instructors" were telling people with their chests all puffed out that traditonal styles were BS, and that they fought "the stuff that really works'" Traditional martial artists felt a bit of a sting, and some of them abandoned their traditional art to learn what "really worked." People with no martial arts training were pleased that they had not "wasted" all of their time of flowery stuff that had no real use "in the cage."

Jump to about 2006-ish and a funny thing started happening. That crap that didnt work started producing some stunning knockouts in MMA cages around the world. For those of you who did not start watching MMA until 2006 or so, watch David " The Crow" finish someone with a spinning back kick to the liver. What he said in his post fight interview gave traditional artists all kinds of internal happy. In the interview, Dave, who had been lauded for his Muay Thai gave a ringing traditional art endorsement. When asked about the spinning kick he said." I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do." The rumbling that you felt at that time was likely the collective hearts of us TMA guys thumping in unison.

Now these days, we have seen all of the crap that "doesnt work" used in MMA. Nevermind that MMA is NOT the ultimate proving ground for usefel technique. But we have seen Shonie Carter seperate Matt Serra from his senses. We have seen Mirko Cro-Cop land a vicious ax kick on Mark Hunt. We have seen Mauricio Rua separate Ricardo Arona and Forrest Griffin from their consciousness with hammer fists. We have seen Anderson Silva use a reverse elbow to poster-ize Tony Fryklund. We have seen a capoeirist land a tornado kick for a spectacular finish. And of course my personal favorite, Lyoto Machida sent Randy Cotoure to hang with the sandman by way of jumping switch front kick.

Now as 2012 slowly unravels, ask yourself, do you really believe that stuff doesnt work? As my fellow Kenpoist Ras Fletcher, head of the ATACX GYM says, " It is NOT what you know, but how you train." Wise words, and with that I bid you a fair adieu. My dog is giving me major sad eyes, and I have to go pet him.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Happy New Year, and all of that jazz.


I am not big on resolutions. I feel that you should begin something once you feel that it will benefit you. Nobody would hesitate to cash a winning lottery ticket, so putting off something positive doesnt make much sense to me. So as someone who loves all of youse, keep an open mind, and train your mind body and spirit like never before in 2012.

Be well!