Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Monday, April 22, 2013

How long does it take?

One of the most common questions I get when I talk to folks about the martial arts, is also one of the most frustrating to me. That question is: How long does it take to get a black belt? That question sends shivers up and down my spine, and not from happiness. I can anticipate the incredulity that comes when I tell folks. In the fast food, mcdojo culture that has infected America, my answer is always too long for them.
I first start off with, " well it depends on how long and how often you train." Then I mention that for most folks training 3 times a week for about 90 minutes per class it takes about 5 years. Usually the next thing that I hear is " my friend got his/hers in 2 years." Then I usually say, "well I teach the old school way, and there are no shortcuts. It takes time and practice to get good. It is the journey that makes a person strong, NOT the destination. That is about the time that the person begins to tune me out.
Guess what folks, I dont care. There are NO substitutes for quality training. If you mention that it takes at least 4 years to finish college, nobody bats an eye, because that is what is expected. McDojo mentalities have made it so that people expect to be able to get skilled in martial arts without all of the trials, sweat and pain that come along with it. My two cents says that, short-sighted thinking like that is the MAIN cause of the loss of respect for martial arts, and martial artists. If a 6 year old told you that they had a degree from Yale, I bet you impression of Yale would go down the tubes.
Now keep in mind folks, that the Black Belt does not represent mastery. It is NOT the Ph.d for martial arts. It is the of martial arts. It means that you have a sufficient grasp of the basics.  I know in some arts, like BJJ for instance, a black belt equals mastery. Not in in the sense of having nothing else to learn, but it means that a person is an absolute expert in their skills. Wanna know the formula for mastery if such a thing exists? Persistance+acceptance of your imperfections+time. See ya in forty years when you become a master :)


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