
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Sunday, May 08, 2005

What is your martial arts philosophy?

I am asking this, because I don't think that a lot of people have a philosophy or a credo when they train. I think that they often go through the motions, hoping that enlightenment will just descend upon them. Well folks, that is not enough. I think that there should be a number of theories behind your methods of training. For example, I have 3 sayings on the walls of my dojo that keep me, and my students focused. Most people learn visually, so to have these sayings where people can see them is just a small cue to keep pushing and keep training hard.

See guys, I am a firm believer that we should have focused mind or philosophy as we train. I am saddened by the people who miss out on all of the things that martial arts can offer. They are only training for the physical benefits of martial arts and nothing else. Do me a favor folks, pick out a favorite quote, then use your martial arts training to apply that quote to your life. Trust me, you will be glad you did.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

For all of you Black Belts out there...

How long did it take you to get your rank? I am always curious as to how much study went into your achievement. Forgive me, if you cannot hear the sarcasm, but it is there. I have just seen another couple of kids, with the "skills" of rank amatuers about to test for their Black Belt. When I saw that their total combined age was about 16, I almost cried. When I saw that their skills were along the level of a 6 month practitioner, I almost pooped myself. Wake up folks, how long is this going to be allowed to happen. Children are not ready for Black Belts. WAKE UP!!!!!! *Anthony snorts with disgust and walks away from the screen*