Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Where are your limits?

In the athletic world, it is a very common expression that we must" give 110%". Now we, know that 100% is all that we can give, but the sentiment behind it is what makes the expression so popular. So with that in mind, what are you limits?

In training, have you ever worked out so hard that you were seeing stars? Or been unable to stand for a while, as your lungs pounded like blacksmith's bellows? Have you ever pushed yourself to the point of nausea? Well if you NEVER have, then maybe you should rethink your training methods.

We learn martial arts for a variety of reasons. The main one for most of us should be the preservation of life, ours or out loved ones. In a real fight, not the tournament tag, and in-dojo slap-fighting that has become so common, fights are dirty and nasty. Usually, the fitter, more skilled individual will pull out with the victory, in this case, your health. It is NOT a joke, or a game that we play for the sake of entertainment. Self-defense can be brutal, nasty and final. But in order to prepare for that, you have to do all that you can to simulate the real deal. If you have NEVER left your dojo, shaky, a little nauseous, STARVING, but glad you came, look at why you are training. Your life is at stake.


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