Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TMA versus MMA part deux


You know I love a good rant, you KNOW that I do. But I would like to approach this from a business arena. With all of the recent popularity of MMA, a lot of TMA guys are calling foul. In their mind, TMA has spawned MMA ( and it has ) and that TMA still deserves the same respect. In my opinion TMA guys are correct on the matter. MMA COULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT TMA.

Anywho, this is what it is all about. TMA and MMA guys need each other. Because everyone will have their seperate likes and dislikes. Some people need the structure of the traditional martial arts. Some like the pure physicality and rugged nature of MMA. That is neither here nor there. But both of them seem to be warring with each other in terms of people attending their schools. I understand that there is a business involved with improving your enrollment. But the way that people are going about getting that business is all wrong. People have not come to the realization that EVERY business needs a good competitor.

Don't believe me? Let me help you out. First of all read the book " The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing." It is an eye opener. Coke and Pepsi acknowledge that they need each other. Microsoft has actually bought stock in Macintosh computers. Every good businessman knows the value of competition. MMA and TMA schools should learn from this. If they could arrange it, they should open schools right next door to each other. Between a good TMA school and a good MMA school, EVERY base should be covered in terms of the martial arts. What one school doesnt offer, the other will. And vice versa.

For those of you who are afraid of competition, dont be. There is something to be learned from Coke and Pepsi, Macintosh and Microsoft. Be well, and prosper daily.


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