
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Monday, May 23, 2011

Results are the lubricant for motivation


As you know I have been experimenting with Bikram Yoga. I stopped doing any form of exercises for the week that I started yoga. Result? 5 pounds lost with a smile. HAHA! I cant wait to see what happens when I combine it with my usual training. Onward to VICTORY!

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Hardship is NOT a bad thing for your children. Unnecesssary hardship is. Stop preventing your kids from falling down. They need a chance to stand up again. Dont rob them of the opportunity. Getting punched in the grill is not as bad as being fired from a job because you have no discipline. Let your son learn to be a man, and your daughter a woman. That is it for today. I have to go to yoga and hope for some calm..............*Storms of in a huff*

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sometimes it is good to suck


I am glad to say that I suck. Not at everything. But regarding certain things. I recently began to take a Bikram yoga class. And ummm, I sucked at it. Maybe not as much as some beginners. but I sucked. It is a good experience to suck sometimes. It reminds us that we dont know everything. I can play footbal, basketball, tennis, baseball, and even water polo. But the fact remains that I suck at yoga. Not forever, just for now. I wont quit until I can do the splits again. And I will likely continue after that. Man, I have been humbled in a hot room of sweaty women who couldnt punch to save their lives. I think that I am hooked :) Phase one complete.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Take it slow


I know that this may sound a little odd, but today I urge you to slow down. Not in your amibitions, but in your training. I know it may seem counter-intuitive, but many of the fastest, most agile practitioners in the world take it easy in training. Dont believe me? Well, lets investigate shall we?

In Thailand, Muay Thai boxers are lauded for their toughness and powerful striking techniques. And they should be. They pound bags, trees, and tires relentlessly, making their bodies into lethal instruments. Oddly enough, when they spar, they dont beat each other half to death like you might imagine that they would. They take it rather easy on each other. They know that their living is made in the ring, and they try not to damage each other too badly before then.

Now, in Kenpo, or any other art for that matter, slow sometimes works better. Whether doing kata, kumite or self-defense techniques, I ALWAYS recommend that you start slowly. A lot of people think that true value is found in cranking out endless repetitions in class. After all, practice makes perfect right? WRONG!!! PERFECT practice makes perfect. Imperfect practice merely ingrains bad habits. I would always recommend that the first 100 techniques be done slowly and smoothly. Let your body get the feel of the movements, so that you can understand them and develop muscle memory.

Trust me on this, it works. Next class, when you are working a new technique, take it easy. Focus on your breathing and I guarantee that your training will progress more smoothly. That is it folks, I have a Subway sandwich (sammich to some of you guys) that requires my attention. Peace folks, and be good to each other.