Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shake up your martial arts training!!!

I am back again with a brand new rant. With all of the information in the world today, people will not change. Either it is "my way is best" or " this is the way my sensei/sifu/master taught me". WAKE UP!!! We know that there is no best way. Look into all ways and see for yourself what has merit and what does not.

I recently heard someone say that they dont lift weights because it goes against the old master did. NOT TRUE!! Remember the old movies when the old monks carried buckets of water up the stairs? Those are weights. Or when the practiced snatching up jars full of sand? Those are weights. When they ran with another student on their backs? Best I can tell, those are weights too. Just because they did not use a Smith machine or iron dummbells does not mean that the principle is not the same.

Have you guys ever looked into plyometrics? Or maybe tried a method of training not commonly used in martial arts training? If not, why not? Is your goal not improvement? Physical and mental? Is not the mark of a superior martial artist physical and mental acuity? The only difference in my mind between good martial artists, and GREAT ones, is that the great ones keep hungering for knowledge. They are ALWAYS looking to improve their techniques, or to refine their application. Karateka, look at how they train in Muay Thai. Thai boxers, look into Tai Chi. Judo players, watch boxers. Boxers watched TaeKwonDo. That sky is the limit on our skills and knowledge folks, dont cheat yourself.


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