Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Putting a little tradition in MMA


This may be a misnomer. It should likely be called "acknowledging the traditional in MMA." I know people in MMA hate to admit it, but all of their techniques are derived from traditional arts. Find this a little hard to believe? Well. let's play a game and make a little list shall we?

(1) Roundhouse Kicks: Sounds familiar dont they? Well stop me if I am wrong, but the workhorse of MMA beneath the waist is no doubt the roundhouse kick. From the pulverizing leg kicks of Anderson Silva to the killer head-kicks of Mirco Cro-Cop, roundhouse kicks are a mainstay of MMA. Call me silly, but they are no doubt traditional techniques. Umm karate,kung-fu,Muay Thai, Tang Soo Do, umm, yep those are traditional all right.

(2) Front Kicks: While grossly under-used, the front kick is a live and (forgive me) kicking in today's MMA. While used more to un-balance than to damage, the front kicks still provide some needed ( forgive me again) kick into the modern MMA scene. Whether used from the front leg or back leg, it is still a versatile kick that is traditional. Unless I am out of my mind. Which is a possibility.

(3) Reverse Punches: I know, I can hear it now," We dont use reverse punches, we use the right cross." I have 2 words for you: Chuck Liddell. Check out his fight with Guy Metzger, and his third fight with Randy Cotoure. If those are not reverse punches that Chuck is throwing and snapping back, I dont know what is.

(4) Spinning Back Kicks" I have 2 words for the mixed martial artist: Sakuraba versus Vitor Belfort. I know that I used more than 2 words, but this is my blog dangit, and I can do what I want!! Sakuraba dropped Vitor to his knees with a couple of well placed spinning back kicks. See folks, all of Vitor's skill in Jujitsu and Boxing did not give him a useful defense for said technique. Vitor had no idea on what to do, or how to counter. Fact is that by the time he developed a clue, he was already observing ceiling lights. Score one more for the traditional crowd.

(5) Hammer Fists: I am so high on my horse right now, you guys wouldnt believe it. Have you seen how many times folks used hammerfists in MMA? No? Let me refresh you. Inside someone's guard when they try to tie up your wrists? Hammerfist em! Trying to lock up an armbar when their hands are locked? How do you get them to let go? HAMMERFIST! If you would love to see the best example of such, check out the match with Mauricio Rua against Ricardo Arona. Hammerfists until he slept. Man, I think I almost pooped when I saw it. Hammerfists for a title.

Ya know what? I had several more but I am still to happy about my last one. Later folks!!!


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