Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Even a layman can see it


I had the most interesting conversation with my mother. Yes, I still speak to my mother. If YOU dont, shame on you. I was telling her about how someone I knew was still winning tournaments at a relatively advanced age. While most would be impressed by this, my mom gave me a very impressive answer.

Without hesitation she said to me, " That is because the skill level of martial arts is so low these days." My mom watched my father lay waste to many top level competitors back in the day. And while my mom has in no way kept up with the "scene", she has seen enough to know that it is not what it used to be. My mind was blown. She was correct and even she absolutely knew it.

This is what our beloved martial arts is becoming folks. It is like that commercial where it is no easy even a caveman can do it. But the martial arts level of skill is so low, even a layman notices. Shame on us. Now go get our respect back!


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