Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What does discipline look like?

Hey folks,

One of the biggest sellling point of martial arts for children is the idea that it will improve their discipline. A good martial arts program for kids should do just that. As for those who need a working definition of discipline, here it goes: "It is doing something that you hate as though you love it." Thank Mike Tyson for the quote. But in the day to day, I was thinking about what that looks like in terms of your martial arts path.

Here it is plain and simple: How good is your spinning hook kick with your left leg? Now, 10% of us will say something like, " not bad, why?" The other ninety percent of us born right handed will look away kind of embarassed. Actually, 20% of us righties will say the same thing, because we have taken the time to practice our techniques with the off side of our bodies. The rest of you dont, because you arent good at it, or you dont like to practice it.

That is what discipline is folks. Wo/man up and do what you know you should. In six months you should be able to land jump spinning back kick with your off side. Now, go do it!!


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