
Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Belt chasers


I just wanted to touch on this for one moment. As you all know, I am a "Kenpo Guy" through and through. I have a lot of other skills that have come from cross-training in other arts. I have named them before, so I dont need to again. The thing is that I studied those arts because I enjoyed them, not because I was searching for rank, titles, or acknowledgment. I just love this stuff.

I come across a LOT of people who have an obsession with the Black Belt. Now dont get me wrong, I would consider achieving my Black Belt one of the top 3 most important things that I have ever done. But I jumped on a path to see where it would take me. 33 years later I realize that I am still just beginning, and the Black Belt that is fraying around my waist is just an accessory. I LOVE my journey. I cannot wait to tie on that belt and work up the exhaustion that comes with a workout. I love the stinging of sweat in my eyes, the labored breathing. If you dont know what I mean folks, go get some. If you "kinda" know, train harder and get some.

My Black Belt came from NOT trying to get one. I wanted to get good at Kenpo, and I have. I want to get better at Kenpo, and my degrees of belt wont be the measuring stick. I will do this until my body gives out. And when I cant do it anymore, I will be thinking about training. Folks, forget the belt. It means you dont need a rope to hold up your gi pants. Matter of fact, take the next week and train in your white belt. It goes well with the mentality of" we are all just beginners." Be well, and train hard!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kenpo Karate: My confession

Hello everyone, my name is Anthony Thomas. I am a Kenpoholic. I think about it at at home, on the way to work, at work, and immediately after I have trained. I can never have enough money to indulge in it to my satisfaction. I never have the muscle capacity or endurance to do it as often as I would like.

It has affected my relationships. I have trained on holidays. It has kept me from family functions. I have been beaten, battered and bruised for Kenpo. I have put Kenpo above academics, above my job. It seems that just when I have had enough, more desire fills me. I am unsatiable. I thirst for Kenpo more than riches or power. I search for the Kenpo truth dogmatically. I know no shame in my quest for Kenpo's ultimate truth.

I am sorry folks, I am addicted. To Kenpo 4 LIFE.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The sitation will dictate what you do

Read that carefully. My father has been telling me that since I was five years old. I understood it then. I REALLY understand it now. For the folks who dont get it yet, dont worry, Anthony is going to take care of you. Letting the situation dictate your actions means that you spend more time doing, rather than thinking. Doing SOMETHING is more important than trying to figure out if their actions require technique A,B,C, or D. It was my dad's way of teaching me about conceptual training. YES, you should learn technique the classical way. Myself, and another Kenpo instructor from the ATACX gym call it "the ideal phase" As in "ideally, it would work like this." Then we address the reality of the day, and make the technical more functional and realistic. Now keep in mind, a LOTof knuckle-heads claim to teach the most realistic stuff. For an idea about what I'm talking about, go to youtube, type in ATACX GYM, Captured Twig, and you will see what I am talking about. At the time, I didnt realize what a gift I have received. From day uno, Pops was teaching me about how to think outside of a box that likely never should have existed to start with. As far as we know, the old techniques addressed a situation that not longer exists. For all we know, those techniques were the PERFECT answer for a situation that the old school guys found themselves facing. But things have changed. We have to work out techniques in such a way that addresses that fact that even un-skilled combatants have a concept of BOXING. The old school guys didnt have to address attacks coming from the same angle, or trajectory. If we want to go home with your teeth in your mouth, you better adjust. Let me give an example: If someone grabs you by the throat with both hands, Kimono Grab A works. The concept behind it is " GET THEIR#$%*HAND OF OFF YOUR THROAT!" Sorry, didnt mean to swear. I am a firm believer in quickly applied, so while Kimono Grab A is kinda groovy, a tiger rake to the eyes is groovier. While a simultaneously applied strike to the groin and head will free you from a headlock, so will a bite in the ribcage. Yes..... a bite in the ribcage, it works. Yes, I have done it. Anyhow folks, outside the box is where it's at. It keeps the training fertile, and progress continuous. Once again for a look at Kenpo on the East Side of Long Beach, check out the ATACX gym. They are good people. Now, I am outta here, I have some delicious chicken to devour for lunch.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yes, katas again

Folks, I feel a need to speak on this, because folks seem not to get it. YES, we need katas. Katas are a library for all of the techniques of our system. I hear a lot of MMA guys down-talking kata. I even hear about how some people claim to have tossed out the katas in their system for the sake of realism. I mean, wow folks, are you really that far gone? That was sarcasm, the answer is "most people are." For all of the MMA guys who call each other "bro" all the time, here is a hint. If you can fluidly perform the often acrobatic moves in a kata, you probably have pretty good balace. Do we need balance? Ask anyone who in the UFC light heavyweight division how hard it is to take down BJ Penn. Or how about the agility that it takes to launch a double flying knee Jose Aldo style? Katas build better balance. So there, now you know How about repetition? Well since most katas provide numerous strikes, repetitions are executed in ideal conditiions. We should all know by now that repetition is the mother of mastery. Do you know why Marcelo has a better arm drag than you do? He practices it. A LOT. Do you know why picking up a stick to spar with Ernesto Presas is a horrible idea? Because his name is in the dictionary next to rattan stick. Do you know why Joon Rhee can still have my lunch money? Because he has done more roundhouse kick reps than I have. Hundreds of thousands more. Kata is way to perform your techniques without distractions, so that you can perform them correctly. If there were no kata, how would you know the difference between an MMA competitor, and all of those jokers who have no idea how important katas are? You wouldnt most likely. If there were katas, what would you teach folks who have limited mobility or maybe even mental capacity? I have taught a girl with Down Syndrome kata, but never an armbar from the guard. Katas count, dont sleep on them. I was going to go all loco about this, but I lost my train of thought. Breakout Kings are on, and that show is like catnip to me :) I love cheesy action shows.