Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Belt chasers


I just wanted to touch on this for one moment. As you all know, I am a "Kenpo Guy" through and through. I have a lot of other skills that have come from cross-training in other arts. I have named them before, so I dont need to again. The thing is that I studied those arts because I enjoyed them, not because I was searching for rank, titles, or acknowledgment. I just love this stuff.

I come across a LOT of people who have an obsession with the Black Belt. Now dont get me wrong, I would consider achieving my Black Belt one of the top 3 most important things that I have ever done. But I jumped on a path to see where it would take me. 33 years later I realize that I am still just beginning, and the Black Belt that is fraying around my waist is just an accessory. I LOVE my journey. I cannot wait to tie on that belt and work up the exhaustion that comes with a workout. I love the stinging of sweat in my eyes, the labored breathing. If you dont know what I mean folks, go get some. If you "kinda" know, train harder and get some.

My Black Belt came from NOT trying to get one. I wanted to get good at Kenpo, and I have. I want to get better at Kenpo, and my degrees of belt wont be the measuring stick. I will do this until my body gives out. And when I cant do it anymore, I will be thinking about training. Folks, forget the belt. It means you dont need a rope to hold up your gi pants. Matter of fact, take the next week and train in your white belt. It goes well with the mentality of" we are all just beginners." Be well, and train hard!


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