Location: Bay Area by way of the 619, United States

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The sitation will dictate what you do

Read that carefully. My father has been telling me that since I was five years old. I understood it then. I REALLY understand it now. For the folks who dont get it yet, dont worry, Anthony is going to take care of you. Letting the situation dictate your actions means that you spend more time doing, rather than thinking. Doing SOMETHING is more important than trying to figure out if their actions require technique A,B,C, or D. It was my dad's way of teaching me about conceptual training. YES, you should learn technique the classical way. Myself, and another Kenpo instructor from the ATACX gym call it "the ideal phase" As in "ideally, it would work like this." Then we address the reality of the day, and make the technical more functional and realistic. Now keep in mind, a LOTof knuckle-heads claim to teach the most realistic stuff. For an idea about what I'm talking about, go to youtube, type in ATACX GYM, Captured Twig, and you will see what I am talking about. At the time, I didnt realize what a gift I have received. From day uno, Pops was teaching me about how to think outside of a box that likely never should have existed to start with. As far as we know, the old techniques addressed a situation that not longer exists. For all we know, those techniques were the PERFECT answer for a situation that the old school guys found themselves facing. But things have changed. We have to work out techniques in such a way that addresses that fact that even un-skilled combatants have a concept of BOXING. The old school guys didnt have to address attacks coming from the same angle, or trajectory. If we want to go home with your teeth in your mouth, you better adjust. Let me give an example: If someone grabs you by the throat with both hands, Kimono Grab A works. The concept behind it is " GET THEIR#$%*HAND OF OFF YOUR THROAT!" Sorry, didnt mean to swear. I am a firm believer in quickly applied, so while Kimono Grab A is kinda groovy, a tiger rake to the eyes is groovier. While a simultaneously applied strike to the groin and head will free you from a headlock, so will a bite in the ribcage. Yes..... a bite in the ribcage, it works. Yes, I have done it. Anyhow folks, outside the box is where it's at. It keeps the training fertile, and progress continuous. Once again for a look at Kenpo on the East Side of Long Beach, check out the ATACX gym. They are good people. Now, I am outta here, I have some delicious chicken to devour for lunch.


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